Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cheat Sheets

Disclaimer: I like cheat sheets. Not only do I like to use them, I like to make them. (I'm weird like that.)

I find them especially useful for tools that I don't use very often, such as mdbtools. I use mdbtools just often enough that I know what I want to do, but I can't remember the command or extension. In the end, I have to re-read the man page. Well, my cheat sheet is a more structured, colorful version of the man page.

These are also useful for users transitioning from other tools although I will be the first to admit that the Vim cheat sheet might scare a new user away entirely. But it is useful for remembering little tricks and what not.

Of course, as cheat sheets, some things have been left out. This is especially true for Vim. AFAIK, there aren't any errors in these, but if they eat your newborn kittens, it's not my fault. You have been warned. But if you find a typo, let me know and I'll fix it.

Feel free to copy/print/reproduce/mangle these. I did put my Ubuntu Forums handle on them and if you're feeling generous/evil, you can credit/blame me for creating them.

Cheat Sheets:
  • mdbtools,
  • psql (not postgres, just the interactive shell)
  • screen
  • Vim
I am nearly done with a set of cheat sheets for a couple of vim extensions that I find useful. Once I get done re-doing the key bindings on the r-plugin, I'll add them to the list. You can grab them all from the Ubuntu Forums post here.

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